
Looking at the wrong things

Pillbox bingo

I have weird friends. Or rather, they have me and I… No.

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Construction time again

The system of objects.

WAT A PMS7003 particle dust sensor hooked to some hacky code to make Geiger noises, and stuffed into a scavenged meter to make it look like proper test-gear.

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Not one of the good ones

During a quite remarkable session on Messenger this afternoon (I’d write ‘chat’, but while I wish it was actual physical talking, it isn’t), my splendid correspondent reminded me of a regular day/dream I used to have in the early 80s.

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Fashion police five

Spod comedy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Hello, I’m Julia Unix hacker (FreeBSD, SunOS, Solaris, HP/UX, Linux) SF writer (List of things with my stories in elsewhere) Trans woman (Apparently I piss some people off merely by existing.

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Filthy racket

Techno notice

I’ve been in absolute pieces wrt SOPHIE and I have been struggling for an even slightly rational explanation, but I think it’s about multiple wolves.

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The last few weeks I have been regularly moved to tears by the toast-rack in one of the kitchen drawers.

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